vb.net - Syncfusion barcode control text doesnt appear at printing BMP VB NET -

i have code:

 private sub buildcode()     dim barcode string = textbox1.text + "%" + textbox2.text + "&" + textbox6.text + "*"     'textbox3.text = barcode     sfbarcode1.text = barcode end sub private sub button1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button1.click     bmp = new bitmap(groupbox1.width, groupbox1.height, system.drawing.imaging.pixelformat.format32bppargb)     'bmp.setresolution(300, 300)     groupbox1.drawtobitmap(bmp, new rectangle(0, 0, groupbox1.width, groupbox1.height))     dim pd new printdocument     dim pdialog new printdialog     addhandler pd.printpage, (sub(s, args)                                   args.graphics.drawimage(bmp, 0, 0)                                   args.hasmorepages = false                               end sub)     pdialog.showdialog()     pd.printersettings.printername = pdialog.printersettings.printername     pd.print() end sub  private sub textbox1_textchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles textbox1.textchanged     buildcode() end sub 

if let textbox1 control printing barcode. when assing value syncfusion barcode control, build fine, shows barcode, when print instead of barcode nothing.

what be?

i have created workaround sample exporting barcode image , inserting image group box , print group box control reference, please refer below code snippet , sample more details.

   'initialize barcode control      dim barcode sfbarcode = new sfbarcode()       'set barcode symbology type      barcode.symbology = barcodesymboltype.code128a       'set input text      barcode.text = textbox1.text       'export barcode control image      picturebox1.image = barcode.toimage(picturebox1.size)  

sample link: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/124890/ze/barcodevb1482679502

could please try , let me know whether meet actual requirement.


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