xamarin.ios - Unable to load solution after upgrading to Xamarin Studio 6 -

i upgraded xamarin studio latest version, , unable load solution!

upon opening solution, below error displayed:

enter image description here

i have looked logs, , see following:

system.invalidoperationexception: bound project 

has seen similar error, or have solution?


this error appear associated following xamarin bug report:


if able try following workaround, should allow open project.

  1. back solution
  2. open each .csproj file associated extension (such watchkit or today)
  3. find section "projecttypeguids"
  4. remove key "feacfbd2-3405-455c-9665-78fe426c6842"
  5. save file
  6. attempt open solution

this should solve ios

this appears impact android projects contain bindings. example:

given test project (test.csproj) 2 projecttypesguid: {efba0ad7-5a72-4c68-af49-83d382785dcf} , {10368e6c-d01b-4462-8e8b-01fc667a7035} project fail load. because first id corresponds regular android project. second 1 android binding library project. problem can solved removing {efba0ad7-5a72-4c68-af49-83d382785dcf} guid .csproj

fixing issue android similar above. if project contains both projecttypesguid: {efba0ad7-5a72-4c68-af49-83d382785dcf} , {10368e6c-d01b-4462-8e8b-01fc667a7035} steps below

  1. back solution up
  2. open .csproj file
  3. find section "projecttypeguids"
  4. remove key "efba0ad7-5a72-4c68-af49-83d382785dcf"
  5. save file
  6. attempt open solution


hope helps :)


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