java - Intellij tomee set tomee.serialization.class.whitelist -

how setup in intellij idea vm options.

i need setup

set java_opts="-dtomee.serialization.class.whitelist="  set catalina_opts="-dtomee.serialization.class.blacklist=-" 

in run/debug configuration local tomee server pass vm options

-tomee.serialization.class.whitelist=* -tomee.serialization.class.blacklist=- 

also tried without *. still giving me "invalid arguments" error after run/debug server. how set properly?

ps.if run server manually works correct.

you need specify 2 properties java system properties (-d) in vm options of run configuration:

-dtomee.serialization.class.whitelist=* -dtomee.serialization.class.blacklist=- 


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