javascript - window.removeEventListener with a named function isn't working -

i using react , below code using implement infinite scroll feature.

componentdidmount() {     // flag check if content has loaded.     let flag = true;      function infinitescroll() {       let enterprisewrap = $('.enterprise-blocks');       let contentheight = enterprisewrap.offsetheight;       let yoffset = window.pageyoffset;       let y = yoffset + window.innerheight;        console.log('hey');        if(this.props.hasmore) {          if(y >= contentheight && flag) {           flag = false;            this.props.loadmorevendors(function() {             flag = true;           });          }        } else {         window.removeeventlistener('scroll', infinitescroll.bind(this));       }     }      window.addeventlistener('scroll', infinitescroll.bind(this));   } 

i wanna unbind scroll event once items loaded removeeventlistener not working. doing wrong?

every time bind function, new function back. removing different listener 1 added initially. store result of function.bind , use in both places

this.boundinfinitescroll = this.infinitescroll.bind(this); ...    } else {     window.removeeventlistener('scroll', this.boundinfinitescroll);   } }  window.addeventlistener('scroll', this.boundinfinitescroll); 


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