sql server - How can I set the date of every row in a table to the current date? -

i have sql server table:

create table [dbo].[synonym] (     [synonymid] [int] not null,     [wordformid] [int] not null,     [ascii]  (ascii([text])) persisted,     [text] [varchar](max) not null,     [version] [timestamp] null,     [createdby] [int] null,     [createddate] [datetime] null,     [modifiedby] [int] null,     [modifieddate] [datetime] null,      primary key clustered ([synonymid] asc)           (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off,                  ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) on [primary] ) on [primary] textimage_on [primary] 

how can set createddate current date of rows?

if want save date when record created, add default constraint table:

alter table [synonym] add constraint createddate default getdate()  [createddate] 

then if insert record don't need specify createddate , current date value.

if want set date existing records run update

update [synonym] set [createddate] = getdate() 

or records createddate null:

update [synonym] set [createddate] = getdate() [createddate] null  


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