c - How to use dynamic allocation instead of static int? -

 int* asciicode(char c1, char c2){    static int asciicode[126];    /code/    /code/    return asciicode;  } 

can use allocation instead of static int situation ? don't know number of elements of above pointer array ? if yes, how can ?

this example may find useful. array allocated , used in subsequent calls in order emulate use of static array hold values between calls.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  int* asciicode(char c1, char c2, int *asciicodearr, int size ){    int static counter = 0;     if(asciicodearr==null)    {      asciicodearr = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int)* size);      if(!asciicodearr) return null;    }     printf("c1=%c ",c1);    printf("c2=%c ",c2);     asciicodearr[counter] = c1;    counter = counter + 1;     asciicodearr[counter] = c2;    counter = counter + 1;    return (asciicodearr);  }  int main(void) {     int i;     int *array=null;     int size = 128; // hold 128 - 7bits standard ascii characters       array = asciicode('1', '2', array, size);     if(!array){         printf("allocation error!\n");         return -1;     }      // array =      asciicode('3', '4', array, size);      printf("\narray content in hex: ");         for(i=0;i<4;i++)     {        printf("%x ", array[i]);     }     free(array);    return 0; } 


c1=1 c2=2 c1=3 c2=4  array content in hex: 31 32 33 34  


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