javascript - Dynamic images don't load -

app downloads images @ every start in './res/' folder near using rnfsl|:

var logopath = rnfs.documentdirectorypath+'/res/'; rnfs.downloadfile({             fromurl: host+'logos/'+i.logo,             tofile : logopath+i.logo           }).catch(function(e){console.log(e)}) 

and try load image following code:

  <view style={styles.conferenceverticalitemimagewrap}>       <image style={[styles.conferenceverticalitemimage,{height: height*264/1920, width: height*264/1920}]} resizemode='contain' source={{uri:logopath+this.props.logo}}/>     </view> 

images downloads correctly , folder contains images don't appear on screen.

try use absolute url instead.


rnfs.mainbundlepath + "/res/" + image

to adapted folders. , maybe should use 1 of other constant here:

btw, don't know how local image downloaded, should try make downloading library giving full path in first place.


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