SAP HANA - Activation warning: Could not found Naming Convention in table _SYS_BI.BIMC_CONFIGURATION for -

when activating procedure got following warning:

could not found naming convention in table _sys_bi.bimc_configuration attributeview,analyticview,calculationview,procedure,analytic privileges,decision table .

so made following inserts:

insert _sys_bi.bimc_configuration values ('naming_convention_rule_analyticview', 'an_'); insert _sys_bi.bimc_configuration values ('naming_convention_rule_attributeview', 'at_'); insert _sys_bi.bimc_configuration values ('naming_convention_rule_calculationview', 'ca_'); insert _sys_bi.bimc_configuration values ('naming_convention_rule_procedure', 'sp_'); insert _sys_bi.bimc_configuration values ('naming_convention_rule_analytic_privileges', 'ap_'); insert _sys_bi.bimc_configuration values ('naming_convention_rule_decision_table', 'dt_'); 

after still warning:

could not found naming convention in table _sys_bi.bimc_configuration .

any ideas how prevent warning?

this warning message gets printed erroneously , can safely ignored. switch off can switch off check naming convention rule compliance altogether. setting can found in

preferences -> sap hana -> modeler -> validation rules -> content -> [ ] "naming convention check"

generally check not used anymore, applies activations done via sap hana studio modeler. when objects activated via web based editor, checks not performed.


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