mysql - Gateway Timeout Error on Insert 70000 record using Hibernate in Java -

my problem is:

upload 10000 record excel database. excel sheet has 10000 rows , 70 100 column . store value in 6 mapping table using hibernate cascade. call method using ajax method. due inserting large amount of data. return timeout error(502 (proxy error) or 504 (gateway error)).

i using aws services. configuration mistake.. please help

thanks in advance

how might see 502 bad gateway error

based on web server, might see different 502 error. these mean same thing, naming conventions differ. here few examples of might see:

“502 bad gateway” “http error 502 – bad gateway” “502 service temporarily overloaded” “error 502” “502 proxy error” “http 502” “502 bad gateway nginx” can see in greater detail error entails going web server’s error log file. error / diagnostic information stored in file making valuable resource check when need more details particular error. can locate file in apache going /var/log/apache2/error.log , in nginx going /var/log/nginx/error.log.

how solve 502 errors?

check if fqdn resolving correctly using our dns test tool.

verify if server reachable using ping test or trace-route.

check firewall logs if seeing unusual drops.

open support in keycdn dashboard if can not solve 502 problem.


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