torch - Torch7, how to calculate the number of parameters in a convNet -

i looking way calculate number of parameters in convolutional neural network. in particular, using resnet model in know if there function calculate total number of parameters? have other suggestion doing it? in advance.

you have go through each layer of network , count number of parameters in layer. here sample function that:

-- example model fed function model = nn.sequential() model:add(nn.spatialconvolution(3,12,1,1)) model:add(nn.linear(2,3)) model:add(nn.relu())  function countparameters(model) local n_parameters = 0 i=1, model:size()    local params = model:get(i):parameters()    if params      local weights = params[1]      local biases  = params[2]      n_parameters  = n_parameters + weights:nelement() + biases:nelement()    end end return n_parameters end 


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