android - Heatmap Overlay with weighted sum of latlng? -

how apply heatmap overlay in android specific colors specific values. weighted sum appears same individual heatmap spot?

how apply heatmap overlay in android specific colors specific values

in android heatmap docs, can set own colors heatmap using setgradient();

here's sample of customizing heatmaps:

// create gradient. int[] colors = {     color.rgb(102, 225, 0), // green     color.rgb(255, 0, 0)    // red };  float[] startpoints = {     0.2f, 1f };  gradient gradient = new gradient(colors, startpoints);  // create tile provider. mprovider = new heatmaptileprovider.builder()      .data(mlist)      .gradient(gradient)      .build();  // add tile overlay map. moverlay = mmap.addtileoverlay(new tileoverlayoptions().tileprovider(mprovider)); 


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