laravel - class GeoIP not found -

i have installed geoip laravel in laravel app instructed on:

but when try fetch vistors location using in controller so:

$location = geoip::getlocation(); 

i class geoip not dound exception though have included geoip class in controller as:

use geoip; 

this composer.json require array:

"require": {         "php": ">=5.5.9",         "laravel/framework": "5.1.*",         "laravelcollective/html": "~5.0",         "matriphe/imageupload": "5.1.*",         "illuminate/html": "5.0.*@dev",         "gloudemans/shoppingcart": "~1.3",          "jacopo/laravel-authentication-acl": "1.3.*",         "cviebrock/laravel-elasticsearch": "^1.0",         "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "^2.1",         "torann/geoip": "0.2.*@dev"       }, 

my service providers array:

'providers' => array(      'torann\geoip\geoipserviceprovider',  ) 

to aliases array:

'aliases' => array(      'geoip' => 'torann\geoip\geoipfacade',  ) 

in short have correctly installed package. have tried inlcude geoip class as:

use torann\geoip; 

but still class cannot found. please.

if using laravel 5.x, try include provider this:


and alias this:

'geoip' => torann\geoip\geoipfacade::class, 

run composer update after if necessary.

then in controller, make sure use geoip:

use geoip geoip; 

hope helps you!


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