telerik - NativeScript Floating Button -

i started nativescript , ran roadblock.

i have appbuilder/nativescript project (ios now) in want implement floating action button. have seen plenty of examples fab positioned above listview scenario different:

  • i have 3 repeaters (displaying unrelated data).
  • each repeater may or may not visible on page (if there no data display, hiding it)
  • i place fab on bottom right regardless of content is
  • the whole page wrapped in scrollview

i tried using nativescript-floatingactionbutton, cannot compile module installed. keep getting "cannot build project because module nativescript-floatingactionbutton contains insecure code. remove module , try again."

i tried absolutelayout on page level, seems layout overlays rest of page , cannot see content, fab.

here markup

<page id="mainpage" xmlns="" actionbarhidden="true" loaded="pageloaded" xmlns:drawer="nativescript-telerik-ui/sidedrawer" xmlns:shareddrawers="widgets/drawers">      <drawer:radsidedrawer id="maindrawer">        <drawer:radsidedrawer.maincontent>        <scrollview id="wrapper" opacity="0">            <docklayout stretchlastchild="false">              <gridlayout id="mainheader" cssclass="header" dock="top" columns="50, *, 50">                <label class="icomoon-icon" text="&#xe6d0;" row="0" col="0" horizontalalignment="center" tap="opendrawer" fontsize="18" />                <label horizontalalignment="center" text="{{ pagetitle }}" row="0" col="1" />                <label class="icomoon-icon" text="&#xe610;" row="0" col="2" horizontalalignment="center" tap="notifications" fontsize="18" />              </gridlayout>                <gridlayout cssclass="main" rows="auto, *" >                <stacklayout row="0">                  <stacklayout  cssclass="{{arr.length ? '' : 'hidden' }}">                    <label cssclass="section-title" text="{{strings.activeloans}}"></label>                    <repeater items="{{ arr }}" >                      <repeater.itemtemplate cssclass="item">                        ...                      </repeater.itemtemplate>                    </repeater>                  </stacklayout>                    <stacklayout cssclass="{{arr2.length ? '' : 'hidden' }}">                    <label cssclass="section-title" text="{{strings.history}}" margintop="20" />                      <repeater items="{{ arr2 }}">                      <repeater.itemtemplate>                        ...                      </repeater.itemtemplate>                    </repeater>                  </stacklayout>                    <stacklayout cssclass="{{arr3.length ? '' : 'hidden' }}">                    <label cssclass="section-title" text="{{}}" margintop="20" />                    <image src="~/images/pic.jpg" />                      <repeater items="{{ arr3 }}">                      <repeater.itemtemplate>                        ...                      </repeater.itemtemplate>                    </repeater>                  </stacklayout>                </stacklayout>              </gridlayout>            </docklayout>                  </scrollview>      </drawer:radsidedrawer.maincontent>        <drawer:sidedrawer.drawercontent>        <shareddrawers:maindrawer />      </drawer:sidedrawer.drawercontent>    </drawer:radsidedrawer>      <!--<absolutelayout cssclass="fabcontainer">      <image src="res://fab_add" tap="newloan" cssclass="fab" />    </absolutelayout>-->  </page>

i have truncated , changed of non-relevant code.

any appreciated.

thank you.

Аs brad martin says, plugin cannot built inside telerik platform not of maintainers white listed. more precise, when ios build of plugin containing pod file initiated in telerik platform, service checks maintainers. pod file can contain post build scripts, telerik platform flagging plugins safe keeping list of white listed maintainers.

this plugin has 5 maintainers - brad martin being 1 of them. brad’s email white listed ‘gabrielbiga’ , ‘lazaromenezes’ not yet whitelisted. @brad martin- can please let know whether should whitelist these users emails well? other approach replace pod file frameworks instead.

one last thing, moving forward telerik platform releases telerik platform team working on improving support plugins containing pods. remove "whitelisting” approach sandboxing instead couldn’t yet comment on specifics. 


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