Represent UML diagram in OWL -

i have 2 classes person , vehicle having owns relation between them.

enter image description here

there 1 many relation between them 1 person can own many vehicles. person has attribute 'name' (person name) , vehicle has attribute 'name' (brand name). question how model in owl using protege editor? if there attribute on 'owns' relation saying 'dateofpurchase' how represents in owl ?

object properties in owl describe relation between individuals, not between classes. "borrowed" uri, nothing else. so, need reify each statement such :persona :owns :vehicleb. rdf allows that, protégé not. so, here's workaround:

you create 2 object properties :hassubjectofowns , :hasobjectofowns, , each case need describe dateofpurchase, define individual representing statement, , assert :

:aownsb :hassubjectofowns :persona; :hasobjectofowns :vehicleb; :dateofpurchase "2014-10-01"^^xsd:date

initially you'd need create property chain, in protégé that: inverse (hassubjectofowns) o hasobjectofowns subpropertyof owns


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