c# - How to determine the user role that received from database if admin or not -

i want to take user name , password database , user role according inserted user name , password code not work

 public bool login(out string msg)     {         bool b = true;         msg = "";         sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(connection.connectstr);         try         {             con.open();             sqlcommand com = new sqlcommand("user_proc", con);             com.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;             com.parameters.add("@u_name", sqldbtype.nvarchar).value = this.u_name;             com.parameters.add("@u_password", sqldbtype.nvarchar).value = this.u_password;             com.executenonquery();              con.close();             b = true;         }         catch (exception ex)         {             con.close();             msg = ex.message;             b = false;         }          return b;     }  

and c# code should check role database , redirect me server page if admin , client page if not:-

protected void btn_login_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         my_user u = new my_user();         u.u_name = textbox1.text;         u.u_password = textbox2.text;         string m="";          if (!u.login(out m))         {             lbl_role.text = "error";                         }         else         {             if (u.u_role == "admin")             {                 response.redirect("testclient.aspx");             }             else response.redirect("testserver.aspx");          }     } 

and database procedure performs task is:

create procedure user_proc     (@u_name nvarchar(50) ,    @u_password nvarchar(50),    @u_role nvarchar(50))      begin   begin try   begin transaction     if exists (select u_role user_sys  u_name=@u_name , u_password= @u_password)   commit end try begin catch rollback declare @msg varchar(200) set @msg = error_message() raiserror(@msg , 16 , 1) end catch end 

hehe , look, there's no need complicated

in db have user table name,pass , role

so, role admin or not

then, suggest in app check sqlexecutescalar

public bool isadmin(string u_name, string u_password) { string role=""; string sql = "select u_role user_sys u_name=@u_name , u_password= @u_password";  using (sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(connection.connectstr)) {     sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, conn);     cmd.parameters.add(new sqlparameter("@u_name", u_name));     cmd.parameters.add(new sqlparameter("@u_password", u_password));     try     {         conn.open();         role = cmd.executescalar().tostring();     }     catch (exception ex)     {         //handle error     } } return role == "admin"; } 

finally call it

    string u_name = textbox1.text;     string u_password = textbox2.text;       if (isadmin(u_username,u_password))         //it admin     else          //it not admin 

bye bye , have fun !


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