postgresql - How to create nested comment and reply tree with a common table expression -

i thought had solved this, alas haven't.

i looking postgresql pump out comments , replies in order can rendered client side no additional sort.

i have following common table expression have tried multiple things have yet output need.

with recursive comment_tree ( select      id           cte_id,      reply_to     cte_reply_to,      "createdat"  cte_date,      body         cte_body,      commenter_id cte_commenter_id,      1            level,      array[0]     sort,      article_id  "comments"  reply_to null  union  select,      c.reply_to,      c."createdat",      c.body,      c.commenter_id,      p.level + 1     level,      p.sort || p.level,      c.article_id  "comments" c  join comment_tree p on c.reply_to = p.cte_id)  select      sort,     cte_body         body,      cte_id           id,      cte_reply_to     reply_to,      cte_date         "createdat",      cte_commenter_id commenter_id,      level  comment_tree  order sort 

the result of follows.

enter image description here

what need

enter image description here

how can sort reproduce manually created body column?


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