python - How to solve the issue of the conflict of anaconda and virtualenv -
i using virtualenv time , had installed anaconda. tried activate virtual environment using way of anaconda source activate helloworld
. (indeed don't remember if command typed in). , environment had been activated. when tried run notebook, said libraries didn't exist if had installed them in environment. not until did realize had activated wrong environment. , close tab , cd
, did source bin/activate
. late. got output prepending /home/lcc/anaconda3/envs/bin path
, environment not activated expectedly. know how solve issue? thanks!
here full content of activate
file under /hello/world
#!/bin/bash # determine directory containing script if [[ -n $bash_version ]]; _script_location=${bash_source[0]} shell="bash" elif [[ -n $zsh_version ]]; _script_location=${funcstack[1]} shell="zsh" else echo "only bash , zsh supported" return 1 fi _conda_dir=$(dirname "$_script_location") if [ $# -gt 1 ]; (>&2 echo "error: did not expect more 1 argument.") (>&2 echo " (got $@)") return 1 fi case "$(uname -s)" in cygwin*|mingw32*|msys*) ext=".exe" ;; *) ext="" ;; esac # export whatever ps setting have, available python subprocesses export ps1 # ensure script sourced, not executed # note errors ignored `activate foo` doesn't generate bad # value $0 cause errors. if [[ -n $bash_version ]] && [[ "$(basename "$0" 2> /dev/null)" == "activate" ]]; (>&2 echo "error: activate must sourced. run 'source activate envname' instead of 'activate envname'. ") "$_conda_dir/conda" ..activate $shell$ext -h exit 1 fi "$_conda_dir/conda" ..checkenv $shell$ext "$@" if (( $? != 0 )); return 1 fi # ensure deactivate scripts old env # note: empties $@. preserve copy. args=$@ source "$_conda_dir/deactivate" _new_path=$("$_conda_dir/conda" ..activate $shell$ext "$args") if (( $? == 0 )); export conda_path_backup="$path" # export restore upon deactivation export conda_old_ps1=$ps1 export path="$_new_path" # first path (should full path prefix of our env) # inner string extraction pulls off first path # outer string removes /bin if present (on unix) firstpath=${path%%:*} export conda_default_env="$(echo ${firstpath} | sed "s|/bin$||")" &>/dev/null # legacy support: conda_default_env used either env name or full path if given path. # conda_default_env full path. # keep conda_env_path around, , have mirror conda_default_env. # last date of change: 2016-04-18 export conda_env_path=$conda_default_env export ps1="$( "$_conda_dir/conda" ..setps1 $shell$ext "$args" )" # load of scripts found $prefix/etc/conda/activate.d after activation _conda_d="${conda_default_env}/etc/conda/activate.d" if [[ -d "$_conda_d" ]]; ifs=$(echo -en "\n\b")&>/dev/null && f in $(find "$_conda_d" -iname "*.sh"); source "$f"; done fi else return $? fi if [[ -n $bash_version ]]; hash -r elif [[ -n $zsh_version ]]; rehash else echo "only bash , zsh supported" return 1 fi
it's not clear question expect "activate" do. activating virtualenv, or activating conda environment.
when install miniconda or anaconda, given option add path. if so, comes before virtualenv activate script. can rename 1 or other, or create alias virtualenv 1 calls absolute path activate script. can move anaconda it's appended rather prepended, virtualenv activate used rather conda 1 (barring absolute paths).
to append conda's path, in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile , change
export path=<anaconda path>:$path
export path=$path:<anaconda path>
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