angularjs - passing ng repeat objects from one controller to other -

this question has answer here:

hi displaying data using ng repeat.
displaying 3 persons in template.. when click on 1 of them. want display in detail information of person... need make new controller , new template...but know 1 way pass 1 of unique parameter mobile no controller.. changes path having mobile number controller , template.using location.path().search().. in 2nd controller can request information again using 2nd parameter.. okay ??

i wanted pass whole persons data 1 controller other don't know how can it...

use service set selected person's information , access information using routeparam user's unique id.

the code structure below

angular    .module('app')    .controller('parentcontroller', function (userservice) {            $scope.onselect = function (user) {        userservice.setcurrentuser(user);      }    })    .controller('childcontroller', function ($routeparams, userservice) {            $scope.user = userservice.getcurrentuser($routeparams.userid);    })    .factory('userservice', function () {      var currentuser = {};          return {        getcurrentuser: getcurrentuser,        setcurrentuser: setcurrentuser      };          function getcurrentuser () {        return currentuser;      }          function setcurrentuser (user) {        currentuser = user;      }    })


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