python - How to join three tables with Django ORM? -

my models are:

class profiles(models.model):     first_name = models.charfield()     last_name = models.charfield()     email = models.charfield()      class meta:         db_table = 'users'  class products(models.model):     title = models.charfield()     content = models.charfield()     price = models.bigintegerfield()     user = models.foreignkey(profiles, related_name="product_owner") # user_id      class meta:         db_table = 'products'  class userfollows(models.model):     profile   = models.foreignkey(profiles, related_name='profile_following') # profile_id     following = models.foreignkey(profiles, related_name='profile_is_following') # following_id      class meta:         db_table = 'user_follows' 

to want, query raw sql query below:

select * products, users, user_follows , user_follows.following_id=products.user_id , user_follows.profile_id=12345; 

but need django orm. can join 'users' , 'products' tables select_related have no idea how join 'user_follows'. , need apply filter on field of 'user_follows' table. please help!


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