angularjs - Ionic App I've been having this issue for quite some time now is it a permissions issue? -

after logging in app want bind profile(front end) data (username , email) front end. doesn't work. there i'm doing wrong here?

$scope.login = function() {    fbref.$authwithpassword({      email: $,      password: $scope.password    }).then(function(authdata) {      $scope.userprofile = authdata;      $state.go('tabscontroller.pendingtasks');    })  }
<div ng-controller="loginctrl" class="card" ng-show="user">    <div class="item item-divider">username: {{}}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;    </div>    <div class="item item-text-wrap">      {{}}    </div>  </div>

according documentation success callback returns object fields uid, provider, auth, , expires. put breakpoint inside callback or log console.

console.log('authdata', authdata); 


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