appium - Access iphone’s settings app on real device -

i want access device settings, checked there similar posts no answer real device.

i tried passing parameters as

desired_caps['app'] = 'settings' , desired_caps['bundleid'] = ''

but error instruments trace error : target failed run: permission debug denied. app must signed development identity (e.g. ios developer).

seems above works on simulator not device.

i can launch test app, i'm passing other parameters correctly.

or there other way access device settings?

desired_caps = dict() desired_caps['platformname'] = 'ios' desired_caps['platformversion'] = '9.2.1' desired_caps['devicename'] = 'iphone' desired_caps['udid'] = '09d905a' desired_caps['app'] = 'settings' # desired_caps['bundleid'] = '' # desired_caps['fullreset'] = true desired_caps['newcommandtimeout'] = 1000 config_ios.driver_settings = webdriver.remote('http://localhost:4723/wd/hub', desired_caps) 

for check info related device can use ios-deploy library. per knowledge missing something. can attach appium logs.?


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