java - Security.Authenticator is not working in Junit test -

i writing junit test controllers in javaplay framework. used spring security login authentication. here source used reference. everythings working fine until start writing test cases controller. issue unit test shows weird behaviour.

here test file:

@test public void logintestfail(){     result result = invokewithcontext(fakerequest("get","/merchantvisibility"), () ->             assetcontroller.merchantvisibilitydemo());     assert.assertequals(303,result.status());     assert.assertequals("/login",result.header("location")); }  @test public void logintest(){     map map = new hashmap<>();     map.put("email","");     result result = invokewithcontext(fakerequest("get","/merchantvisibility").session(map), () ->             assetcontroller.merchantvisibilitydemo());     assert.assertequals(200,result.status()); } 

here controller file:

@singleton @security.authenticated(loginauthaction.class) public class assetcontroller extends controller {     private static logger.alogger logger = logutil.getlogger(assetcontroller.class);      public result merchantvisibilitydemo() {         file file = new file(play.current().path().tostring() + "/public/html/merchant_visibility.html");         logger.debug(session().get("email"));         return ok((file));     } } 

here loginauthaction class :

public class loginauthaction extends security.authenticator { private string session_timeout = "sessiontimeout"; private final configuration configuration; private static logger.alogger logger = logutil.getlogger(loginauthaction.class);  @inject public loginauthaction(configuration configuration) {     this.configuration = configuration; }  @override public string getusername(http.context ctx) {     logger.debug(ctx.session().get("email"));     //see if user logged in     if(ctx.session().get("email") == null){         return null;     }      // see if session expires     string prevtime = ctx.session().get("usertime");     if(prevtime != null && !prevtime.equals("")){         long prevt = long.valueof(prevtime);         long currentt = new date().gettime();         long timeout = long.valueof(configuration.getlong(session_timeout))*60*1000;         if(currentt - prevt > timeout){             ctx.session().clear();             return null;         }     }      string tickstring = long.tostring(new date().gettime());     ctx.session().put("usertime",tickstring);     return ctx.session().get("email"); }  @override public result onunauthorized(http.context ctx) {     return redirect(controllers.routes.authenticationcontroller.login(ctx.request().path().tostring()));  } 

this error got :

[error] test controllers.assetcontrollertest.logintestfail failed: expected:<303> was:<200>, took 4.427 sec 

the problem code flow not enter loginauthaction class.

how overcome error ?

when running app in browser flow works fine having problem in testing.


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