php - laravel 5.2 set attribute name -

how set custom attributte names in laravel 5.2 try code, doesn't work:

$attnames = array(         'code' => 'número',         'contributor' => 'nº contribuinte',         'create_date' => 'data criação',         'address' => 'morada',         'zip_code' => 'cod. postal',         'city' => 'localidade',         'email' => 'e-mail',         'phone_number' => 'telefone',         'note' => 'observações',     );      $validator = validator::make($client, $this->rules,[],$attnames);     $validator->setattributenames($attnames);      if ($validator->fails()) {         // send page input data , errors         $errors = $validator->messages();         return redirect::to('/client/create')->withinput()->witherrors($errors);     } 

you have passed wrong arguments validator::make.

you can pass 3 arguments.

as per documentation,

if needed, may use custom error messages validation instead of defaults. there several ways specify custom messages. first, may pass custom messages third argument validator::make method.

$messages = [     'required' => 'the :attribute field required.', ];  $validator = validator::make($input, $rules, $messages); 


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